Australia, South and Central America, the Caribbean and Etiquette Tips

really can not say about the Australian and New Zealand etiquette much. These manners, but much more relaxed and less formal than in most other countries. (I heard Australians can go to work in shorts!)

in New Zealand, in particular, that people begin to sound official, but such formalities almost certainly relax. So will the volume. They are known to be more soft-spoken and often loud. Where you rank in the hierarchy of the business it is usually not important, unless you own the business, of course. And although it may be part of the Australian continent, greatly they do not like to be called the Australian.

Australia, more precisely, the warm and friendly people using firm handshake and honesty and directness when speaking. And if you disagree with something, you will almost certainly going to talk about it. Australians do not care much about the structure of the personal or class discrimination because they are informal. However, the accuracy enjoys great popularity, but not critical. Australians also keep a sense of humor, even when things are pretty tense.

In South America, more precisely, the Spanish spoken everywhere except in the Portuguese-speaking Brazil. Unlike Australia, South America less inclined to worry about the time and accuracy. Socially, they are very close to each other, then (and expect to be touched in return), which is culture shock in other countries. They eat their biggest meal for lunch around noon. Finally, social dialogue and issues of a personal nature (ie, talking about himself) is often more interesting to them, such as business and company representation.

Central America, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language. Whether in South America, they are also less concerned about time and more concerned about you personally, as a company representative. Central Americans closer resistant and touchy-Feely crowd. Eat your main meal at noon.

Mexico, more precisely, it is customary to shake hands than most other places. Unlike South Americans, Mexicans do not see titles that important. Things to do? Wear purple (color of death), joke about "Montezuma's Revenge" or put his hands on his hips.

The Caribbean, in general, handshakes are common, such as English, the primary language of the region. True, some residents prefer not surprising accented English. The more relaxed pace of life in the Caribbean, so much more informal eating habits, the accuracy is not critical, the exchange of gifts is not required, and the business will begin an extensive social conversation. Business cards, however, is very important.

Puerto Rico, in particular, exchange gifts, and immediately opened. Close to normal, and is considered quite rude to back away. Although English is widely spoken, Spanish spoken at least some appreciated.

Source by Arthur Langton

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